- Place your Christmas tree in the corner of block it off from your pet.
- Keep decorations out of your pet's reach. Low hanging tinsel, ornaments or lights are hazards to your pet's health.
- Keep holiday plants away from your pet. Mistletoe, holly, amaryllis and cyclamen are all poisonous to pets. Poinsettias are toxic, as are live trees.
- Burning candles should be placed on high surfaces. This can prevent fires and accidental burns.
- Keep your pet away as you wrap gifts. String, plastic and wrapping paper cause intestinal blockage if ingested.
- Keep holiday food away from your pet. Many rich and fatty holiday foods can cause serious problems for your pet.
- If you have guests, make accommodations for your pet. Your pet may be fearful of visitors or extremely excited. Either way, a quiet room away from visitors and food may be in order.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Holiday Pet Safety Tips
We wish you and your pet a healthy and happy holiday season. Here are some tips to keep your pet safe during your celebrations.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Doggy Debut
Introducing your new dog to your resident pets is a process that requires patience and care.
Introduce pets on neutral territory. A nearby park works perfectly for this. Make sure you have at least one person present per pet, to keep animals from running off.
Don't force any interaction. Some pets will prefer to view each other from a distance first.
Give each pet his own food and water bowls, toys and bed. This will help prevent squabbles.
Keep your pets separated when you are away.
Use positive reinforcement.
If you notice introductions are not going smoothly, please contact us immediately. Most conflicts can be resolved with a little professional guidance. With some careful planning and supervision, you can ensure your new dog is happily and successfully welcomed into your family.
And don't forget: we're offering Complimentary New Pet Exams through December 2014! Make your appointment today!
Introduce pets on neutral territory. A nearby park works perfectly for this. Make sure you have at least one person present per pet, to keep animals from running off.
Don't force any interaction. Some pets will prefer to view each other from a distance first.
Give each pet his own food and water bowls, toys and bed. This will help prevent squabbles.
Keep your pets separated when you are away.
Use positive reinforcement.
If you notice introductions are not going smoothly, please contact us immediately. Most conflicts can be resolved with a little professional guidance. With some careful planning and supervision, you can ensure your new dog is happily and successfully welcomed into your family.
And don't forget: we're offering Complimentary New Pet Exams through December 2014! Make your appointment today!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Animal Arrival
Careful preparation is essential to helping your new pet make a successful adjustment to your home. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your new adventure:
PS: We're offering COMPLIMENTARY NEW PET EXAMS through December 2014! Schedule yours today!
- Pet-proof your home. Move cleaning products or hazardous materials out of the way. Remove any shoes or cords that could be chewed.
- Provide a comfy bed for your pet. This can keep your pet cozy and off your furniture!
- Keep common houseplants out of reach. Some plants may be poisonous to pets.
- Don't leave snacks sitting out.
- Keep medication put away and secure.
- Cover up heating vents. Be careful not to obstruct the vent and create a fire hazard.
- Keep certain rooms closed. If you don't want your pet roaming around unsupervised in certain areas, keep the doors shut.
PS: We're offering COMPLIMENTARY NEW PET EXAMS through December 2014! Schedule yours today!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
14 Years?!?

This means they are walking around with infection and inflammation in their mouth. But not only is the infection in their mouth, it can spread to affect their entire body. This can be painful for your pet and expensive for you.
October is Pet Smile Month, and because we believe dental care is so vital to your pet's overall health, we are offering a special incentive to bring in your furry friend: complimentary dental exams and 20% off dental cleanings through October.*
*Excludes: prescriptions, lab work, x-rays, extractions etc. Expires 10/31/2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Pet Smile Month Kickoff!
Did you know that 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age three?
Left untreated, harmful bacteria from the oral cavity can spread throughout the bloodstream to infect the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is that harmful bacteria which causes your pet's stinky breath!
October is Pet Smile Month and we are offering a special to keep your four-legged friend happy and healthy. Get a complimentary dental exam and 20% off dental cleanings through October (expires 10/31/2014, and excludes prescriptions, lab work, x-rays, extractions, etc.)
Make your appointment now!
Left untreated, harmful bacteria from the oral cavity can spread throughout the bloodstream to infect the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is that harmful bacteria which causes your pet's stinky breath!
October is Pet Smile Month and we are offering a special to keep your four-legged friend happy and healthy. Get a complimentary dental exam and 20% off dental cleanings through October (expires 10/31/2014, and excludes prescriptions, lab work, x-rays, extractions, etc.)
Make your appointment now!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Geriatric Gauge
As a pet parent, you know a lot about your dog's habits and routines. But will you know when your dog's kidneys begin to slow down? Since your dog can't tell you how she is feeling, regular wellness visits are essential in detecting the developments that come with aging.
In these exams, we can discuss proper senior nutrition, how to keep your senior dog active and do blood work to check for certain health problems and diseases. When caught early enough, many diseases can be properly treated, slowed down or, sometimes, even cured completely. Why not be proactive when it comes to your dog's health?
By maintaining a regular senior wellness exam schedule, issues can be diagnosed and managed or corrected before any serious damage occurs. Ensure your dog lives a health and active life for as long as possible!
Schedule an appointment today!
(PS: You have two more days to get $25 off the Senior Wellness Diagnostics Package!)
In these exams, we can discuss proper senior nutrition, how to keep your senior dog active and do blood work to check for certain health problems and diseases. When caught early enough, many diseases can be properly treated, slowed down or, sometimes, even cured completely. Why not be proactive when it comes to your dog's health?
By maintaining a regular senior wellness exam schedule, issues can be diagnosed and managed or corrected before any serious damage occurs. Ensure your dog lives a health and active life for as long as possible!
Schedule an appointment today!
(PS: You have two more days to get $25 off the Senior Wellness Diagnostics Package!)
Monday, September 8, 2014
In Dog Years
You may have more in common with your pet than you realize. Like humans, dogs need to get health care more often as they grow older. We recommend that senior dogs visit us at least twice a year; more often if certain health issues are present. Just like people, dogs can develop arthritis, diabetes, cancer, hearing loss, liver and kidney disease, hypothyroidism and various other diseases. Wellness visits can help diagnose some of these diseases earlier or, in some cases, prevent them altogether.
Don't assume new behavior is just because of "old age." If you notice any change in your dog's behavior, be sure to contact us about the concerns you have. These behavioral changes can be signs of very treatable medical problems. Improve your dog 's quality of life and help make the "golden years" as comfortable as possible - maintain a proper wellness visit schedule!
Set up your appointment today! And, get $25 off the Senior Wellness Diagnostics Package during the month of September.
Don't assume new behavior is just because of "old age." If you notice any change in your dog's behavior, be sure to contact us about the concerns you have. These behavioral changes can be signs of very treatable medical problems. Improve your dog 's quality of life and help make the "golden years" as comfortable as possible - maintain a proper wellness visit schedule!
Set up your appointment today! And, get $25 off the Senior Wellness Diagnostics Package during the month of September.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Get with the Program
Just like anything else that is good for your pup, vaccinations are best when used in moderation. Underuse can leave your dog exposed and vulnerable to potentially serious diseases, and overuse can cause other issues and concerns. The only way to ensure your dog's vaccination protocol is correct for his unique situation is to maintain his annual - or more frequent! - wellness exams.
These exams give us an opportunity to review your pup's current health status, administer vaccination titer tests and adjust his vaccination schedule if changes in your dog's health or lifestyle warrant it. They are, without a doubt, the best tool we have for ensuring your best friend's continued good health.
Regardless of whether your pup requires vaccinations, his personalized wellness exam schedule should be maintained to help protect your happy future together!
If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And don't forget - you can get 15% off a wellness exam through the end of August (only 6 more days)!
These exams give us an opportunity to review your pup's current health status, administer vaccination titer tests and adjust his vaccination schedule if changes in your dog's health or lifestyle warrant it. They are, without a doubt, the best tool we have for ensuring your best friend's continued good health.
Regardless of whether your pup requires vaccinations, his personalized wellness exam schedule should be maintained to help protect your happy future together!
If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And don't forget - you can get 15% off a wellness exam through the end of August (only 6 more days)!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Inoculation Intervals
There has been a lot of debate recently about what a proper vaccination schedule for your dog should look like. Some vaccinations, like rabies, have their frequency dictated by state, provincial or local laws. Other vaccinations have recommended guidelines for when they should be given initially and how often boosters should occur. And for other vaccinations, titer tests have developed that help determine if your pup is still inoculated against the disease the vaccine was designed to protect him from.
The bottom line to all of this is that vaccination schedules are no longer cut and dried. We take into account your dog's age, lifestyle, current health status, environment, and many other factors when determining which vaccines are appropriate for your best friend and how often they should be administered. If a vaccination protocol has not yet been established for your pup, contact us today to schedule a review of his current health status and set up his vaccination program!
If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And get 15% off wellness exams through the end of August!
The bottom line to all of this is that vaccination schedules are no longer cut and dried. We take into account your dog's age, lifestyle, current health status, environment, and many other factors when determining which vaccines are appropriate for your best friend and how often they should be administered. If a vaccination protocol has not yet been established for your pup, contact us today to schedule a review of his current health status and set up his vaccination program!
If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And get 15% off wellness exams through the end of August!
Friday, August 15, 2014
Epidemic Obstacle
While vaccinations should never be considered a guarantee that your dog will not contract a disease, they provide the best available protection for your canine companion against serious illnesses. Vaccines are available for a variety of diseases, but the most commonly used vaccines protect against the following:
If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And, through the end of August, get 15% off a wellness exam.
A viral disease that causes systemic infection in canines. Survivable, but with costly treatment and long-term, adverse health effects.Canine Parvovirus
An extremely infectious disease with a high mortality rate if untreated. Transmitted by both direct and indirect contact with infected feces.Canine Hepatitis
A virus that attacks the liver and kidneys and can cause chronic health issues.Rabies
A deadly disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. It is fatal if contracted.If your pet is due or overdue for a vaccination, schedule an appointment today! And, through the end of August, get 15% off a wellness exam.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Your Four-Legged Travel Buddy
Bringing your dog along on a family vacation can be a wonderful experience for everyone, especially if you've carefully prepared.
Schedule your travel preparation appointment today - get 15% off through the end of July!
Traveling by Air
Reserve a space for your dog on the plane with you. In-cabin flying is safer for your pet and allows you to be close. (If your pet isn't allowed to travel in-cabin, we strongly recommend you board her at home rather than send her as cargo.) Your pet will have to go through security, just like you. While your dog will not be required to go through the X-ray machine, your carrier might, so be sure to bring a leash.Traveling by Car
Your dog should be securely restrained in some way whenever she's in the car. That may mean using a carrier, a special car harness or seat belt for your dog. Use a seat belt to securely anchor the carrier during transit. Your dog should ride in the backseat of the car, and you should never leave your dog in the car alone.Schedule your travel preparation appointment today - get 15% off through the end of July!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Planes, Trains, Automobiles - And Your Dog
Traveling can be a stressful experience all by itself. Adding your dog can make it even more hairy. Here are some tips for a smooth trip.
The most important travel preparation you can make is to visit our office. We can make sure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations and provide appropriate paperwork. We can also microchip your pooch if she doesn't already have one. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the registry and on your dog's collar and tag.
Set up your travel preparation appointment today, and save 15% on travel prep/wellness exams through the month of July!
If you're flying...
Research your airline's policies regarding pet travel. Some airlines allow dogs below a certain size to ride in the cabin, but only to certain destinations and with specific carriers.If you're traveling by car...
Get your dog used to car rides by taking short trips first; then increasing the trip length. Study your route so you can identify where to take rest stops. Also, identify veterinary practices at your destination, just in case. We would be happy to share our recommendations.The most important travel preparation you can make is to visit our office. We can make sure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations and provide appropriate paperwork. We can also microchip your pooch if she doesn't already have one. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the registry and on your dog's collar and tag.
Set up your travel preparation appointment today, and save 15% on travel prep/wellness exams through the month of July!
Monday, July 7, 2014
The Pet Jet Set
Hitting the road for a few days away can be a lot of fun. And those sweet puppy-dog eyes begging to come along can be hard to resist. Before you give in to that plaintive expression, though, ask yourself these questions to decide if your dog is ready for the trip.
If you think your dog is up for a travel adventure, contact us today to set up a travel prep appointment for your jet-setting dog! We're offering 15% off travel prep/wellness exams through the month of July!
How are you planning to travel?
A dog who travels well in a car may not travel well in a plane. Also, some breeds can only travel on airplanes as cargo, a method that can be especially risky for pets.How does your dog react to change?
A shy or skittish dog may find the change in routine much less appealing than you do.How healthy is your dog?
If your dog is older or suffers from a chronic condition, the stresses of traveling may negatively affect her health.If you think your dog is up for a travel adventure, contact us today to set up a travel prep appointment for your jet-setting dog! We're offering 15% off travel prep/wellness exams through the month of July!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Protect Your Pets' Health

Then afternoons playing fetch and the sessions of catch the catnip mouse can be replaced by much more expensive activities such as repeated trips to see us.
While preventive care is not possible for every veterinary issue (we haven't been able to predict a broken leg yet!), many conditions are not only more treatable when caught early, that treatment is also often much less expensive.
The best way to make sure that any issues your pet may develop are caught early is to stick to a regular well visit schedule, because - when you think about it - peace of mind is priceless.
Contact us today to schedule a well visit during June 2014 and save 15%!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Be in the Know
We hear it all too often, "I didn't know there was a problem!" Our pets are experts at many things, and hiding illness happens to be one of them.
That's why well visits are so critical to your pet's well being. By regularly checking your pet's vital stats, we can identify and treat issues before they become problems. How often your pet needs to make a visit to our office depends on your pet and his unique needs, such as age, breed and existing health conditions, to name a few. At minimum, we'd like to see your pet at least once a year - remember, that's like you seeing your doctor once every five to seven years!
Make sure you're in the know on your pet's health. Contact us TODAY to schedule a well visit during June 2014, and get 15% off!
That's why well visits are so critical to your pet's well being. By regularly checking your pet's vital stats, we can identify and treat issues before they become problems. How often your pet needs to make a visit to our office depends on your pet and his unique needs, such as age, breed and existing health conditions, to name a few. At minimum, we'd like to see your pet at least once a year - remember, that's like you seeing your doctor once every five to seven years!
Make sure you're in the know on your pet's health. Contact us TODAY to schedule a well visit during June 2014, and get 15% off!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Cancer and Your Canine
Even if we're lucky enough to not experience it firsthand, very few of us are unaware of the devastating effects cancer can have. But many of us don't know that this disease can affect our entire family, even those who walk on four feet and not two. In fact, according to the Morris Animal Foundation, dogs older than 2 are most likely to die from cancer.
Your dog can develop cancers as varied as those that affect people, and for the same reasons. While no sure-fire cancer preventative exists, we as pet parents can help protect our four-legged family members from getting the disease. Certain breeds - Golden retrievers and Bernese Mountain dogs, for example - are more likely to develop certain cancers, so know your pet's risk. Make sure she gets plenty of exercise and eats healthfully, and limit her exposure to known cancer-causing agents, like tobacco smoke.
And finally, make sure your pup has regular wellness visits with us so we can ensure any issues are caught early and treated with a fully healthy outcome in mind.
Together, let's take your pet into old age!
Your dog can develop cancers as varied as those that affect people, and for the same reasons. While no sure-fire cancer preventative exists, we as pet parents can help protect our four-legged family members from getting the disease. Certain breeds - Golden retrievers and Bernese Mountain dogs, for example - are more likely to develop certain cancers, so know your pet's risk. Make sure she gets plenty of exercise and eats healthfully, and limit her exposure to known cancer-causing agents, like tobacco smoke.
And finally, make sure your pup has regular wellness visits with us so we can ensure any issues are caught early and treated with a fully healthy outcome in mind.
Together, let's take your pet into old age!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Scratch That!
Fleas and ticks have an unfortunate long-term relationship with our pets. While these pests will never go away, we can keep them from rebounding on our four-legged family members.
A variety of products such as topicals, chews and shampoos are available to help protect your pet from these pesky pests. When using such products, however, be sure to always follow the instructions, and never mix products and species. For example, never treat your cat with dog-specific flea treatments. Cats are much more vulnerable to insecticides, and using canine products on your cat could seriously harm or even kill your pet.
In addition to chemical preventatives, you can also somewhat control your environment. Fleas thrive in shady, humid areas, so the more sunlight you can give your yard, the less likely you are to play host to these pests. Ticks prefer areas of tall grass, brush or leaf-litter, so try to keep these areas to a minimum in your landscaping.
Call us today to buy your pet's protection!
A variety of products such as topicals, chews and shampoos are available to help protect your pet from these pesky pests. When using such products, however, be sure to always follow the instructions, and never mix products and species. For example, never treat your cat with dog-specific flea treatments. Cats are much more vulnerable to insecticides, and using canine products on your cat could seriously harm or even kill your pet.
In addition to chemical preventatives, you can also somewhat control your environment. Fleas thrive in shady, humid areas, so the more sunlight you can give your yard, the less likely you are to play host to these pests. Ticks prefer areas of tall grass, brush or leaf-litter, so try to keep these areas to a minimum in your landscaping.
Call us today to buy your pet's protection!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Pesky Parasites
The itching, scratching and general ick-factor that ticks and fleas cause are minor compared to the diseases they can inflict upon your family.
Ticks can infect your pets and you with a variety of illnesses ranging from Rocky Mountain spotted fever to Lyme disease. Even if they don't carry disease-causing bacterium, the sores they leave behind can become infected by plain old infection-causing bacteria.
Fleas carry disease-causing agents as well, from rickettsiae diseases (which can cause typhus, for example) to tapeworm infections. Your pet can also develop an allergic reaction to the flea bites, which can have serious consequences such as scabbing and even skin infections.
Contact us TODAY to buy your pet's protection!
Ticks can infect your pets and you with a variety of illnesses ranging from Rocky Mountain spotted fever to Lyme disease. Even if they don't carry disease-causing bacterium, the sores they leave behind can become infected by plain old infection-causing bacteria.
Fleas carry disease-causing agents as well, from rickettsiae diseases (which can cause typhus, for example) to tapeworm infections. Your pet can also develop an allergic reaction to the flea bites, which can have serious consequences such as scabbing and even skin infections.
Contact us TODAY to buy your pet's protection!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Can't "Flea" the Ticks!

Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments (hello, summer!). The most common culprit is the cat flea, which (despite its name) can afflict both cats and dogs, as well as rabbits, ferrets, raccoons and other animals.
Tick infestations are also more common in summer, as we are more likely to explore the areas that ticks like most. Specific species of ticks are often restricted to particular geographic regions: the American dog tick, for example, is primarily found in the mid- to eastern- part of the U.S., while the Pacific Cost tick is found along the western coastal regions of the U.S. and Mexico. The Brown dog tick, however, can be found throughout the U.S., and when all species are considered together, no part of the U.S. (except Alaska) is considered tick-free.
Contact us TODAY to buy your pet's protection.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
The Ick Factor: Shoo, Fly!
Don't let flies bother your furry family members this spring! Summertime is fly season, and while you may think the kind that hover around leftover food or garbage are annoying enough, another kind is even more annoying - and potentially harmful - for your pet. It's the Cuterebra fly, and its larvae can literally make a home in your pet.
If you pet becomes a host to a Cuterebra fly larva, you may notice a small lump on the head, neck or body. While these lumps can be mistaken for other infections of tumors, if you see a hole in the center of the lump, it is likely that a larva has made a home in your pet. Please do not probe the lump yourself.
Destroying the larvae can cause infection and potentially serious allergic reactions in your pet. Instead, contact our office immediately about diagnosis and the possibility of safely removing the larvae, as well as any post-treatment recommendations.
Schedule an appointment today and let's see this fly flee!
If you pet becomes a host to a Cuterebra fly larva, you may notice a small lump on the head, neck or body. While these lumps can be mistaken for other infections of tumors, if you see a hole in the center of the lump, it is likely that a larva has made a home in your pet. Please do not probe the lump yourself.
Destroying the larvae can cause infection and potentially serious allergic reactions in your pet. Instead, contact our office immediately about diagnosis and the possibility of safely removing the larvae, as well as any post-treatment recommendations.
Schedule an appointment today and let's see this fly flee!
Monday, April 21, 2014
The Ick Factor: A Mite-y Problem!

Additional symptoms of mite infestation include hair loss, skin lesions, head shaking, and redness. Unfortunately, th
ese symptoms can be very similar to other conditions. The best way to make a diagnosis of mite infestation is by a skin scraping taken at our office. And keep in mind, if you live in a multi-pet household, that if one pet is diagnosed with mites, you will want to talk with us about whether all your pets should be treated.
Call today for an appointment, and together, we can avoid a mite-y bother!
PS: Don't forget, you can still get 15% off intestinal parasite screenings through the end of April. Make your appointment today!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Ick Factor: Nit Picking!
Excessive scratching can mean your pet is hosting unwelcome company.
If your cat is up to scratch, she may be hosting some unpleasant hitch-hikers: lice and ringworm. While both pests cause your pet to itch and scratch, they also have more individual symptoms. Feline ringworm infection often causes circular patches of hair loss on the head or ears, while lice may cause your pet's coat to appear dry or generally unkempt. And while lice are happy to stick to your cat, ringworm will take whatever warm-blooded host it can get - including you.
The treatment for these conditions is fairly straightforward, but please contact our office any time you notice new or atypical behavior in your pet. While the cause may be something treatable and relatively benign (like lice), it can also be a symptom of other conditions - like a metabolic disorder - that may require more intensive treatment.
Call TODAY to send unwelcome company packing!
And don't forget - intestinal parasite screenings are 15% off through the end of April. Schedule your appointment today!
If your cat is up to scratch, she may be hosting some unpleasant hitch-hikers: lice and ringworm. While both pests cause your pet to itch and scratch, they also have more individual symptoms. Feline ringworm infection often causes circular patches of hair loss on the head or ears, while lice may cause your pet's coat to appear dry or generally unkempt. And while lice are happy to stick to your cat, ringworm will take whatever warm-blooded host it can get - including you.
The treatment for these conditions is fairly straightforward, but please contact our office any time you notice new or atypical behavior in your pet. While the cause may be something treatable and relatively benign (like lice), it can also be a symptom of other conditions - like a metabolic disorder - that may require more intensive treatment.
Call TODAY to send unwelcome company packing!
And don't forget - intestinal parasite screenings are 15% off through the end of April. Schedule your appointment today!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Ick Factor: Worms!
Spring means warmer days - and more icky parasites!
It's a cat's life... and unfortunately, quite a number of opportunistic pests - like worms - are perfectly content to take advantage of them! The major offenders are roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms and hookworms.
Your pet can be infected in a variety of ways, from ingesting an infected rodent to nursing (yes, kittens can get roundworms by nursing from an infected mom). Generally speaking, worms are rarely fatal, but they can significantly affect the well-being of your pet, and some can also, unfortunately, pass from your four-legged family members to your two-legged ones.
You should have your pet tested annually, but if you ever notice the following symptoms, please contact our office:
To help keep your kitty safe, we're offering 15% off intestinal parasite screenings through the month of April! Schedule your appointment today!
It's a cat's life... and unfortunately, quite a number of opportunistic pests - like worms - are perfectly content to take advantage of them! The major offenders are roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms and hookworms.
Your pet can be infected in a variety of ways, from ingesting an infected rodent to nursing (yes, kittens can get roundworms by nursing from an infected mom). Generally speaking, worms are rarely fatal, but they can significantly affect the well-being of your pet, and some can also, unfortunately, pass from your four-legged family members to your two-legged ones.
You should have your pet tested annually, but if you ever notice the following symptoms, please contact our office:
- Coughing or vomiting
- Diarrhea or bloody stool
- Weight loss
To help keep your kitty safe, we're offering 15% off intestinal parasite screenings through the month of April! Schedule your appointment today!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Finicky Feline Foods
Your cat is a unique individual, just like you. And just like you, your cat will benefit from a diet that caters to his unique needs.
To make sure those individual needs are getting met, we recommend having his nutritional needs analyzed. A senior cat with kidney disease is going to have different nutritional needs than an adult cat who could stand to lose some weight.
We can match the right food to your cat's distinct needs to help ensure you both enjoy many long years of each others' uniquely satisfying company.
Schedule an appointment today! Only a few days left to get 15% off Feline Wellness Exams!
To make sure those individual needs are getting met, we recommend having his nutritional needs analyzed. A senior cat with kidney disease is going to have different nutritional needs than an adult cat who could stand to lose some weight.
We can match the right food to your cat's distinct needs to help ensure you both enjoy many long years of each others' uniquely satisfying company.
Schedule an appointment today! Only a few days left to get 15% off Feline Wellness Exams!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Don't Let the Fur Fly!
Cats are not well known for their acceptance of change. And your cat carrier is the ultimate symbol of change about to happen. No wonder many cats react to the sight of their carrier - not to mention your attempts to get them in that carrier - with a less-than-cooperative attitude.
In the spirit of keeping your kitty's fur where it belongs (and not flying all over the place!), try these tips to get your cat at least comfortable with his carrier.
If your carrier makes an appearance only once every six months or so, your cat will continue to react poorly to it. Consider leaving it out and making it more of a refuge and pleasant place for your cat. Add bedding, a few treats and a favorite toy.
Reward good behavior. When you see your cat behaving calming around the carrier (sitting next to it, sitting on it, sitting in it), reward him! Cats respond much more positively to rewards than they do to punishments, so help them associate the carrier with getting a reward.
PS: Don't forget that we're celebrating Cat Appreciation Month with 15% off Feline Wellness Exams during the month of March! Schedule your appointment today!
In the spirit of keeping your kitty's fur where it belongs (and not flying all over the place!), try these tips to get your cat at least comfortable with his carrier.
If your carrier makes an appearance only once every six months or so, your cat will continue to react poorly to it. Consider leaving it out and making it more of a refuge and pleasant place for your cat. Add bedding, a few treats and a favorite toy.
Reward good behavior. When you see your cat behaving calming around the carrier (sitting next to it, sitting on it, sitting in it), reward him! Cats respond much more positively to rewards than they do to punishments, so help them associate the carrier with getting a reward.
PS: Don't forget that we're celebrating Cat Appreciation Month with 15% off Feline Wellness Exams during the month of March! Schedule your appointment today!
Monday, March 10, 2014
March is Cat Appreciation Month
Let's celebrate our feline friends this month!
Cats are one of the most popular pets in America. And why not? They're a great combination of loving, smart, curious and independent, all rolled up in one furry, purry package.
Unfortunately, that independent nature can work against them. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the number of cats who've been skipping their regular wellness exam has been steadily increasing over the years.
One reason cited? Kitty seemed fine.
We can absolutely understand that perception. Cats are truly masters at masking symptoms of pain or illness, which is why regular wellness exams are so important. We have the tools and tests to tease out subtle disease symptoms so treatment can begin before the disease causes too much damage.
To show our appreciation for your fabulous feline, we're offering a 15% discount on feline wellness exams scheduled during March 2014! Schedule your appointment today!
Cats are one of the most popular pets in America. And why not? They're a great combination of loving, smart, curious and independent, all rolled up in one furry, purry package.
Unfortunately, that independent nature can work against them. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the number of cats who've been skipping their regular wellness exam has been steadily increasing over the years.
One reason cited? Kitty seemed fine.
We can absolutely understand that perception. Cats are truly masters at masking symptoms of pain or illness, which is why regular wellness exams are so important. We have the tools and tests to tease out subtle disease symptoms so treatment can begin before the disease causes too much damage.
To show our appreciation for your fabulous feline, we're offering a 15% discount on feline wellness exams scheduled during March 2014! Schedule your appointment today!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Say Cheese!
Pet dental cleanings don't work quite the same as our own.
We understand that the mild discomfort that may happen during a visit to the dentist is for our own good, and we are able to avoid squirming or shifting due to that discomfort (usually). Your pet, though, doesn't.
Initial exams are typically done while your pet is awake (depending on temperament), but a full dental exam and cleaning are done while your pet is under anesthesia. We don't use anesthesia lightly, but doing so allows us to fully inspect and clean your pet's mouth without the risk of accidentally harming your pet if he jerks or moves.
Once your pet is under, we can conduct a more thorough exam and use tools - such as a scaler (the metal hook tool your dentist uses is a scaler, although ours are made specifically for our patients' mouths) to remove plaque that could lead to periodontal disease, without troubling your pet.
Contact us today to schedule your pet's dental visit!
We understand that the mild discomfort that may happen during a visit to the dentist is for our own good, and we are able to avoid squirming or shifting due to that discomfort (usually). Your pet, though, doesn't.
Initial exams are typically done while your pet is awake (depending on temperament), but a full dental exam and cleaning are done while your pet is under anesthesia. We don't use anesthesia lightly, but doing so allows us to fully inspect and clean your pet's mouth without the risk of accidentally harming your pet if he jerks or moves.
Once your pet is under, we can conduct a more thorough exam and use tools - such as a scaler (the metal hook tool your dentist uses is a scaler, although ours are made specifically for our patients' mouths) to remove plaque that could lead to periodontal disease, without troubling your pet.
Contact us today to schedule your pet's dental visit!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Grin and Bear It?
Your kitty may be selective with her grin, but that should be because of temperament, not because her mouth hurts. Keep an eye out for these signs of dental issues before they become a problem for your cat.
If you notice any of these signs of poor dental health, contact us today to schedule your cat's dental visit. And remember, in honor of National Pet Dental Health Month, we're offering complimentary dental exams and 20% off dental cleanings during the month of February. Schedule an appointment today!
There's cat breath, and then there's BAD cat breath. Smellier than normal breath is often the first sign of a problem.Sight
Eventually, your cat's mouth will begin to look unhealthy. Teeth become discolored. Your cat may drool. (No, it's not true that dogs drool and cats rule! At least, not when it comes to periodontal disease.) Gums look red, and they may even bleed.Behavior
Your cat may have a hard time eating and may drop food from her mouth.Facial Symptoms
Periodontal disease can cause symptoms in places other than the mouth. Facial swelling or discharge from the nose can be symptoms of periodontal disease.If you notice any of these signs of poor dental health, contact us today to schedule your cat's dental visit. And remember, in honor of National Pet Dental Health Month, we're offering complimentary dental exams and 20% off dental cleanings during the month of February. Schedule an appointment today!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Killer Kitty Breath
Good dental hygiene isn't something we automatically think of for our pets. After all, cats aren't supposed to have minty fresh breath! But, just as poor dental health can lead to bigger problems in the two-legged members of your family, it can have serious consequences for your pet, too.
Poor dental health can lead to periodontal disease, which begins with a familiar culprit: plaque buildup. If not removed, that plaque buildup can lead to inflamed gums (gingivitis), infections around the tooth root, and even tooth loss and destruction of the bone and supportive tissues around the teeth.
According to the American Veterinary Dental College, by the age of three, most cats already suffer from periodontal disease. Painful gums and tooth loss can make eating painful, which can significantly reduce the nutritional health of your pet. Some breeds (Siamese, for example) seem to be particularly susceptible to the disease.
To celebrate National Pet Dental Health Month, we're offering a complimentary dental exam AND 20% off dental cleanings all month long! Contact us today to make an appointment!
Poor dental health can lead to periodontal disease, which begins with a familiar culprit: plaque buildup. If not removed, that plaque buildup can lead to inflamed gums (gingivitis), infections around the tooth root, and even tooth loss and destruction of the bone and supportive tissues around the teeth.
According to the American Veterinary Dental College, by the age of three, most cats already suffer from periodontal disease. Painful gums and tooth loss can make eating painful, which can significantly reduce the nutritional health of your pet. Some breeds (Siamese, for example) seem to be particularly susceptible to the disease.
To celebrate National Pet Dental Health Month, we're offering a complimentary dental exam AND 20% off dental cleanings all month long! Contact us today to make an appointment!
Monday, February 3, 2014
New Year's Resolution #4: Run & Play
The life of an indoor cat is typically much easier than that of an outdoor cat, and that truth can sometimes work against the well-being of your indoor kitty. While outdoor cats typically get enough exercise during their day, your indoor cat probably doesn't. Fortunately, you can help your cat get the exercise he needs.
Cats are instinctive hungers, and toys that allow them to exercise that instinct (and their bodies!) are good investments. Teaser toys that let you kitty pounce, chase and attack to his heart's content on good options. A catnip toy is usually a good way to get your kitty moving, too. Regardless of the toy, your cat needs to "catch" it occasionally to avoid getting bored or frustrated.
Another option is creating a kitty wonderland of all the bags, boxes and tunnels that your cat loves to explore. This wonderland can be rearranged from day to day so kitty doesn't get bored, and it's easily fixed or replaced if acrobatic play introduces a few rips and dings.
Cats are instinctive hungers, and toys that allow them to exercise that instinct (and their bodies!) are good investments. Teaser toys that let you kitty pounce, chase and attack to his heart's content on good options. A catnip toy is usually a good way to get your kitty moving, too. Regardless of the toy, your cat needs to "catch" it occasionally to avoid getting bored or frustrated.
Another option is creating a kitty wonderland of all the bags, boxes and tunnels that your cat loves to explore. This wonderland can be rearranged from day to day so kitty doesn't get bored, and it's easily fixed or replaced if acrobatic play introduces a few rips and dings.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
New Year's Resolution #3: Fit Feasting
Feeding your pet a healthy diet is one of the best ways to support lifelong health and well-being. If you've ever scratched your head over a nutritional label, though, you know how hard putting together a nutritionally balanced diet can be.
Your pet needs the right mix of vitamins, fats, carbs and minerals - and that mix depends on breed, age, and activity level. If you've opted to feed your pet homemade food, getting that mix right can be even harder. The days of one-size-fits-all pet foods are behind us.
As part of your pet's well visit, we'll analyze nutritional needs and make recommendations that address your pet's individual requirements.
Make sure your pet is getting the necessary nutrients to live a long and healthy life. Contact our office today to schedule a well visit appointment!
Remember: you can get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam if you scheduled by January 31, 2014!
Your pet needs the right mix of vitamins, fats, carbs and minerals - and that mix depends on breed, age, and activity level. If you've opted to feed your pet homemade food, getting that mix right can be even harder. The days of one-size-fits-all pet foods are behind us.
As part of your pet's well visit, we'll analyze nutritional needs and make recommendations that address your pet's individual requirements.
Make sure your pet is getting the necessary nutrients to live a long and healthy life. Contact our office today to schedule a well visit appointment!
Remember: you can get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam if you scheduled by January 31, 2014!
Monday, January 13, 2014
New Year's Resolution #2: A Pill-Popping Pet
Remembering your pet's medication can be a chore. Sometimes that chore is daily, sometimes monthly. For some regimens - such as insulin treatment for diabetes - the effects of missed doses are easily and readily apparent. For other regimens - like heartworm prevention treatments (yes, cats and dogs both need it!) - the effects of a missed dose are not so obvious. Just because we can't easily see those effects, however, doesn't mean they aren't there.
Start your pet's year on the right paw. Resolve this year to consistently remember your pet's pills.
Then, contact us about setting up a well visit for your cat or dog to review any current or necessary medications. There are many new products on the market that might even make your life a little easier!
Remember: you can get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam if you scheduled by January 31, 2014!
Start your pet's year on the right paw. Resolve this year to consistently remember your pet's pills.
Then, contact us about setting up a well visit for your cat or dog to review any current or necessary medications. There are many new products on the market that might even make your life a little easier!
Remember: you can get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam if you scheduled by January 31, 2014!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
New Year's Resolution #1: Well Visits for Well Pets
Our pets depend on us to protect their well-being. They can't tell us when their tummies hurt, they can't tell us when their joints start bothering them, and they can't tell us when their blood sugar is out of whack.
Paying attention to the behavior of our furry family members can help our pets stay healthy.
Attentiveness isn't the only tool we have to preserve and protect the health of our pets: regular wellness exams are another. These exams allow us to discover potential health issues before your pet beings showing symptoms - and before any issue becomes life threatening.
This year, resolve to keep your pet healthy and happy. Contact our office TODAY to schedule a routine wellness visit. Schedule before January 31, 2014, and get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam!
Paying attention to the behavior of our furry family members can help our pets stay healthy.
Attentiveness isn't the only tool we have to preserve and protect the health of our pets: regular wellness exams are another. These exams allow us to discover potential health issues before your pet beings showing symptoms - and before any issue becomes life threatening.
This year, resolve to keep your pet healthy and happy. Contact our office TODAY to schedule a routine wellness visit. Schedule before January 31, 2014, and get 15% off a New Year's Wellness Exam!
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